How you talk to self influences your relations with others

How you talk to self influences your relations with others

The relation you have to self, mirrors the relation you have to others. If there is lack or a disbelief of deservingness within yourself, this lack and undeservingness will show up in your relation with others.

In love career, negotiation and daily manners others will feel space to treat you a certain way. For example, others will feel space to take advantage of you or treat you poorly. Or the opposite can be the case, when good finally comes you push it away, because (of fear) you do not trust good things are really here to serve you.

This invisible space is created by what you radiate. You do this with your posture, the language you use, the way you move your eyes. All on automatic pilot it gives the one you are in dialogue with intel in to how you really think of yourself. It is how they can intuitively tell if you will stay or walk away when x,y,z happens.

The solution to overcome this is a daily practice of compassionate inner dialogue;
1. Self reflection; where do I feel less deserving?
2. Meditate to the point where you understand 'why' you feel less deserving and what you need to give back to yourself to feel this deservingness again. Use this guided THE SELF meditation
3. Set boundaries with anything that is less than what you now know you deserve. With the new found trust and confidence you built meditating on it.
4. Keep meditating to remain confident and in a loving relation with self while you wait for good to come or to take inspired action.

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