Opinion: why I love fashion and its people so much

Opinion: why I love fashion and its people so much

spirituality in fashion

On spirituality in fashion

Why I love fashion and its people so much.

There is nothing wrong with ego. Nor is there with human definitions or labels. It is the identification with ego, definitions and labels that brings suffering. Our ego is the way we experience the world, it is the way we steer and have control over the interactions we have in our lifes. The most grounded analogy on ego is: clothing is to the individual what ego is to soul. Nothing is considered more material, earthy or superficial than fashion, I guess. But at the same time the greatest ones in fashion have a great understanding of spirituality and existentialism. Here’s how:

Surely they may identify as a fashion person, perhaps that’s where they do identify with ego, with a conceptualized thought, but their dressing is spiritual. How so, you ask? When fashion people dress, they are fully aware they put on a persona. They often refer to it as telling a story. Changing their narrative to fit or uplift their mood.

Never do they mistake their identity with the story they are telling i.e. the clothes they’re wearing. Within spirituality, ego is to self as clothes is to the individual in fashion. Something to put on or off as you please. Something to reconsider when you want to tell a different narrative or influence the course of interactions. People in fashion teach us how clothing plays in first impressions and how it is helpful to open doors, but they know, they are not what they were wearing. It was a story they choose to tell. A part of self they choose to share. And like their fashionstyle, ego is not pertinent to us. It effects how we experience the world, because it sustains our form, it is how others might recognize us, but it isn’t what we are. Like fashion ego can either come from an authentic place or it can be copied. As in fashion, you can always tell.

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