Life is held between these walls

Life is held between these walls

Sunlight is casting shadows on the wall, mimicking an homage to the Breton stripe — a silent ode to simplicity and grace. I find solace in this play of light. I always do. With a soft gaze I'm following its route to our Abstracta bookcase, and its nuanced dance on the floor. This is the reality of my daydreams, a vision that materialized slowly. Each object in sight is carefully curated and whispers stories of belonging. A long-sought-after state of being.

In the winter of 2022 we bought our house in a small village. We left a small yet adorable apartment in the city of Amsterdam and moved a few miles away to an idyllic place. The hopes for this change of scenery was to live a more peaceful life.

I desired a quiet space where I wasn't run by the hectics of life, but by an inner calm. I wanted to hear my own thoughts over the noise of everyone else's. And that I did.

It was a eye-openig experience to say the least. My thoughts weren't always as gracious as I needed them to be, but fortunately the quiet around me, also brought creative space to write. So much so, it became my medicine, and putting pen to paper turned into the easiest practice of mindfulness. Especially in the midst of trying to build up our home together.

Life is held between these walls
Making a home takes patience and practice. As soon as the vacation vibe of this move wore off, and we got settled I felt how a home is not only made up of its walls or furniture. It is as much formed by the dreams that are dreamed under the roof, and the echoes of everyday life within its walls. Stressful mornings of running late for school and work, tender kisses and cosy nights after long days away. Elaborate dinners at night, or lazy pizza days on end. Everything that is life is held between these walls.

In the first months after the move the stillness brought up all that was veiled by the chaos of the city. Restlessness, loneliness and doubt all passed by as if they were invited to my housewarming. Without any interferences everything I had been escaping, came as much to the surface and needed more attention, than what I was running towards.

However this deep dive into a new phase served a much needed growth. Somehow whilst slowly decorating our home with a collection of considered pieces, I found a rhythm and a structure in which I matured into that calmer life I so desired.

Love always,


Abstracta shelving

Conversations with friends: motherhood and ambitions

Conversations with friends: motherhood and ambitions

Ritual, not routine

Ritual, not routine