A note from the editor

A note from the editor


A note from the editor

Welcome to this digital extension of the analog Dialogue with Self.


Over the past year It’s a dialogue has become a tool to ground myself. It has become the one thing which makes me able to prioritize my family, while I contribute to societal activism. All while staying in a three feet radius from my kitchen table, I’m putting in effort towards an inclusive society. One where people and their personal and cultural history are fully acknowledged for who they are and how they look, yet are not disadvantaged by any of it. We can only do this by educating ourselves on the perspectives of others. Get to know others like the back of our hand and at the same time reflect on what thoughts and ideas of self and the world are re-occurring inside ourselves. Whether this is about women’s rights, the lgbtq-comunnity, POC, the environment or mental health.

With the becoming of the journal I found a practice to revisit daily. One that kept me on my toes and focused on what it is most important to me. While it instilled patience, self compassion and confidence in me that I was doing the right thing at that time. And I believe that is what we all can do always anytime wherever we are and how our situation is. In the midst of chaos and exhaustion, the one truly transformative thing we can do is make a micro-decision towards a different outcome that the reality that is current. Educate yourself on the spot, pick up a pencil to make your emotion into art or put your money where your mouth is.

Start a dialogue with someone outside your regular spectrum, and for some this means having a dialogue with self. The silver lining of being at your rock bottom, is that you are your most authentic and humble self. If you are willing to lean into it, this creates space for change. Actual, mind-altering and revolutionary change.

In the spirit of these words I am sharing a free meditation for POC and others, to take inventory of your beliefs and hold emotional space for the self. This tool is inspired by my own limiting beliefs that stem from my cultural ethnicity and the disadvantages that came with it. You can find it here.

All my love,


Portrait of a Muse no.1

Portrait of a Muse no.1