For my mother,
I am her,
and all of us,
who try every day with their
gentle and sacred intentions
To be here, present and learning.

The self meditation


Meditative journal practices to implement in your morning or night routine. To bring about self-awareness, focus, confidence and self compassion. Consider it for the mind to be as essential as the exfoliant is for the skin.

Listen to the meditation; THE SELF, to bring your awareness into the present moment,
and give you a peak into your most authentic self. Afterwards answer these journal prompts.

What came up for you during this meditation?

How would you describe your authentic self?

What about your authentic self felt already present?

Where did you feel a gap?

What action could you take to close that gap?



Often we try to grasp or ponder over something, to make it ours. We accumulate objects, musings outside ourselves to make that something that feels foreign, feel like home. I use writing to practice this. And more often than not, my journaling turns into poetry and prose. Here you’ll find a curation of my writing, my musings, my pondering.

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Hotel d’amour

Days in a daze of l'amour et liberté. Our eyes open up to smiles and cuddles of our children. Soon we'll take in the rush of family breakfast and school rides. Only to slow down this rollercoaster of life by making love in the shower. Another romantic adventure as if our home turned into hotel d'amour.
These days so full of love. We feel ready for another one I notice, but even more so I feel ready to love him and this falling in love with him all over again.